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What Is a Chess Sponsorship Agreement - MDK

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  • April 13, 2022

other relevant background documents. A copy of these documents can be obtained from, by phone at 1800 748 977 or by email at Neither CMC Markets Stockbroking nor BOQ are representatives of each other. To the fullest extent permitted by law, BOQ does not guarantee or endorse the obligations of CMC Markets Stockbroking under any contracts or agreements relating to the BOQ Trading Service. Clauses 7.5 and 7.6 refer to the measures we will take in the event of death and/or bankruptcy. Simply put, CHESS Sponsored means that the ASX keeps a list of who owns which shares. If your shares are “CHESS Sponsored”, it means that if you buy or sell shares, ASX has a record that you own those shares directly. This is the main way people buy and sell shares, you don`t have to choose to do it, be aware when choosing a broker. We will discuss other arrangements later.

When I got into stock trading, it was something I googled a lot and couldn`t really understand. The name itself is misleading – what does my knowledge of chess have to do with it? (No real questions I asked). Who sponsors my actions and why do they have to? I`ll get rid of the jargon to help you understand what that means and why you should care. Terms and conditions This explanation is only a summary of the agreement (see clause 7.4 of the sponsorship agreement). It is neither a substitute nor a part of the sponsorship agreement, nor any other agreement per se. By signing the Referral Agreement, you designate us as your sponsor participant for ITS-traded non-derivative financial products that you purchase through us. We would be happy to sponsor other entries that you may have sponsored by the issuer or sponsored by another asx group participant (for example. B, ASX Securities Dealer). FinEx is a party to a share and derivatives clearing agreement with FinClear Pty Ltd (participating in the clearing). The clearing participant is required to settle as principal and has settlement obligations for all ASX transactions. As a referring participant on CHESS, only we and our duly authorised agent may give CHESS instructions regarding the management or conversion of your credit notes sponsored by us or transfers to or from your sponsored assets after processing your transactions or following your withdrawal instructions.

In addition, we or our duly authorized representative are only permitted to access your assets if you expressly inform yourself (p.B. sale of my BHP Billiton shares). On CHESS, your assets will be identified by your HIN, which will be assigned to you if you agree to the terms of our Sponsorship Agreement in clause 8. We will notify you of your HIN by returning a copy of clause 8 for your records. If, in accordance with your written instructions, we change your registration details for entries we sponsor, CHESS itself will also inform or confirm directly that your name/holding address has changed, that your referring participant has changed or on other matters relating to your holding company, regardless of the case. This is an effective security measure. If you receive such notification and have not asked us to make these changes, please contact us immediately. We and our duly appointed agent have access to and manage the CHESS assets we sponsor. Each chess holding declaration identifies us by our participant number. It also identifies you by listing your HIN.

You need to keep your HIN confidential as it is the key to your holdings, much like your PIN, to access your bank account. Your securityholder`s reference number (SRN) for issuer-sponsored interests (if any) must also remain confidential. If, for any reason, there is an unauthorized transfer of all or part of your interests, we are required to take over the entry(s) under the ASX Settlement Rules. Behind us is the National Guarantee Fund. If we do not take back the participation(s), an unauthorised transfer request for compensation may be submitted to the National Guarantee Fund. When you join a broker that offers CHESS sponsored shares, you will receive an ID (we will give you one), and the shares are linked to you via this number. You can have multiple numbers with multiple online brokers. This number is called hin (Holder Identification Number) and usually starts with an X (even if the system, like ours, does not display the X). You can move your ID (and the shares associated with it) from one broker to another. Note that this policy may change if the SEC manages to to ensure that the site operates efficiently and remains available to all users. If a user or application sends more than 10 requests per second, other requests from the IP address may be limited for a short time.

Once the request rate has fallen below the threshold for 10 minutes, the user can continue to access the content on This SEC practice is designed to limit excessive automated searches on and is not intended or should not affect anyone browsing the site For more information, see the SEC`s Privacy and Security Policy. Thank you for your interest in the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission. Clause 5 (“Exchange Traded Options, Collateral and Subheadings”) applies to you only if you intend to deposit your holdings as collateral for written option positions or if you intend to authorize an encumbrance or subheading on some or all of your holdings. Sponsorship Agreement: This agreement has 14 clauses, its terms are largely determined by the operating rules of the ASX Regulation that apply to CHESS sponsorship. The “Definitions and Interpretations”, clauses 1 (“FinEx Clear Execution Limited Appointment”), 10 (“Claims”), 13 (“Indemnification”) and 14 (“Miscellaneous”) are self-explanatory.

Clause 6 (“Fees”) informs you that we charge you a fee for our services. CHESS referral is required if you plan to trade through the BOQ Trading website. The ASX LOVES to send letters. Lots of letters. If you buy and sell frequently (I balance quarterly on the top 10 Members of SelfWealth), then they will send you tons of paper. Can you stop that? No, you also ask nicely. ASX justifies its costs by shipping them. Clause 10 (“Claims”) sets out the means to claim compensation By using this website, you agree to security monitoring and auditing. For security reasons and to ensure that the public service remains accessible to users, this state computer system uses network traffic monitoring programs to identify unauthorized attempts to upload or modify information, or otherwise cause damage, including attempts to deny service to users. You can change your settings to receive information via email instead of an email in your action record, although some interfaces/websites (looking at your computer`s sharing) are terrible to use and it may take you a while. Clause 9 (“Change of Controlling Participant”) deals with a situation where, as a result of the acquisition or decline of our business, all of our sponsored interests in CHESS may be fully transferred to another controlling participant in order to minimise disruption to your investment or trading activities Clause 8 (“Joint Holdings”) deals with the bankruptcy and/or death of one or more parties to a Joint Holding. Sponsored entries can have up to 3 co-owners.

In the event of bankruptcy of one, the interests of the bankrupt debtor are cut off from the interests of the other. The others can be pursued as usual with a new participation. In the event of the death of a testator, the general principle of the law is that the interests of the testator pass to the remaining co-owners, and not to the estate of the deceased. Please report your traffic by updating your user agent to include company-specific information. .