Violence/Misconduct Restraining Orders


Being subject to or needing the protection of a restraining order is an unfortunately common outcome following the breakdown of a personal or domestic relationship.


Violence Restraining Orders can be issued in circumstances where there has been violence or the threat of violence and where the parties have been in a domestic relationship (such as a partner, child, or family member). A Misconduct Restraining Order is available in relation to other types of relationships where the same risks are present.


Being subject to or requiring a restraining order is a stressful and emotional time for all parties involved. In many instances the presence of a restraining order can prevent contact with your children or prevent you from returning to the place where you live.


Mony De Kerloy has been involved on both sides of restraining order disputes and understands the emotions involved and restrictions placed on the lives of the parties to a restraining order.


We can assist you with:

  • Making an application to the court for an order for your protection; or
  • Objecting to an application or reaching agreement for a personal undertaking with the applicant that avoids the need for the parties to attend court for a final hearing.


In either case, our solicitors are here to help you find the appropriate solution.